2024/12/16 – Razpis za člane OSMI je odprt – The call for OSMI members is open
Open Science Monitoring Initiative (OSMI) združuje institucije in posameznike, ki se ukvarjajo s spremljanjem odprte znanosti. Cilj OSMI je spodbujati sprejemanje načel odprte znanosti po vsem svetu in spodbujati njihovo praktično izvajanje.
2024/11/28 – Support for UNESCO Draft Principles on Open Science Monitoring
In its response to the consultation on the Principles of Open Science Monitoring, Science Europe expresses its support for the draft principles, noting their alignment with the priorities and practices of its Member Organisations, as outlined in its October 2024 Survey Report on ‘Strategic Approaches to, and Research Assessment of, Open Science’.
2024/11/27 – Case studies are vital to monitoring the development of open science
As a recent consultation on how to monitor open science practices draws to a close, Louise Bezuidenhout, Paola Castaño, Sabina Leonelli, Ismael Rafols and Andrea Vargiu argue that if monitoring frameworks aim to capture the widest dimensions of open science as a practice they should include case studies.