
Accueil » Principles
Image by Jonas Hoffmann from Pixabay

These Principles are an initiative coming from the Open Science Monitor project led by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Université de Lorraine and Inria. The first version was drafted in December 2023 and discussed during a workshop that took place in Unesco’s headquarters.

> Program

> Presentations

After being debated during the workshop at Unesco and subsequently reviewed online by more than 20 experts, comments and suggestions on the draft principles as part of an international consultation process facilitated by UNESCO were made between the 4th of June and the 30th of November 2024. The final version is currently being written.

High-level principles:

  • Acknowledging the diversity of Open Science monitoring approaches throughout the world
  • Providing guidelines to encourage pooling, comparisons and reuse when possible
  • Helping stakeholders like countries, research performing organisations and international organisations to set up their own monitoring tools
  • Global aim: monitor a comprehensive transformation to open science and its impacts on the research ecosystem and on society

The current draft submitted to Unesco: Open Science Monitoring Initiative, Principles of Open Science Monitoring, Paris, 2024. DOI : 10.52949/49

To find out when the principles are released, register here: