WG2. Understanding the open science monitoring landscape

Accueil » Working groups » WG2. Understanding the open science monitoring landscape

The goal of this working group is to ensure OSMI’s better alignment with other initiatives in order to promote synergies and avoid the duplication of efforts.

The working group will scan the global landscape for OS monitoring projects, services, methods and tools. 

The working group will collaborate closely with the working group on “Scoping the needs of open science monitoring”. By aligning the efforts of both groups, a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of OS monitoring can be achieved, facilitating more informed decision-making and planning for the future of OS monitoring.

Group members are invited to apply to become chairs before the 14th of March. Applications should be sent to the group facilitators: Evgeny Bobrov (QUEST Center for Responsible Research, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charité) and Vanessa Proudman (SPARC Europe)

Abdelghani MaddiResearch EngineerGEMASS (Sorbonne University and CNRS)France
Afroz Ahmad ShahSenior Assistant Professor of Structural Geology and Programme Leader, GeosciencesGeosciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti of Brunei DarussalamBrunei
Alice HowarthOpen Research Project OfficerUK Reproducibility Network and University of LiverpoolUnited Kingdom
Aline Hantute-GhesquierProject manager for open science indicatorsUniversité de LilleFrance
Ana BrancoInnovation directorSATURNTECHPortugal
Anne SennhennFAIRagro Coordinator Community Participation & Use Case OnboardingLeibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und BioökonomieGermany
Anupam PandeyWG MemberIEEEIndia
Banaz JalilPostdoctoral Research Fellow / Senior Project Officer (Research Culture) / Project Manager (Open and Responsible Researcher Reward and Recognition) / Institutional Coordinator (Open Research Programme)University College LondonUnited Kingdom
Barbara KalumenosDirector Public AffairsSTMNetherlands
Caroline MartinDirector of science and technology informationONERAFrance
Christopher ErdmannHead of Open ScienceSciLifeLabSweden
Dagmar MeyerPolicy AdviserEuropean Research Council (ERC)Belgium
Delwen FranzenPostdoctoral ResearcherBIH QUEST Center for Responsible ResearchGermany
Dominique B. NgelekaChercheur Associé et coordinateur de recherche (CREPANERIT / Université de Kinshasa)Centre de recherche en Sciences humaines CRESHDemocratic Republic of Congo
Evgeny BobrovProject Leader Open Data and Research Data ManagementQUEST Center for Responsible Research, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at CharitéGermany
Fiona BradleyChair IFLA Open Science & Scholarship Advisory Committee, Director Research & Infrastructure (Library) UNSWIFLA and UNSW SydneyAustralia
Florian NaudetProfessor of therapeuticsInserm / Rennes UniversityFrance
Gordana VujovicJunior ResearcherComplexity Science Hub Vienna & TU ViennaAustria
Isabelle DorschResearch EngineerGEMASS (Sorbonne University and CNRS)France
Jennifer KempDirector of Consulting ServicesStratos (Strategies for Open Science)United States
Joachim BibuliPhD Information Science FellowMakerere UniversityUganda
Joeri TijdinkAss. professor Ethics, Law and Humanities DepartmentAmsterdam University Medical CenterThe Netherlands
Jonathan StarrProgram Manager / Project Manager / PresidentNumFOCUS / DeSci Labs / The Scientific Coordination Infrastructure and Operating Systems CollaborativeUnited States
Katie HughesOpen Science Information SpecialistEMBLUnited Kingdom
Lamis Yahia Mohamed ElkheirLecturer / Co-director and training leadUniversity of Khartoum, Sudan/ African Reproducibility Network (AREN)Sudan
Lavinia GambelliOpen Research Community ManagerUniversity of BristolUnited Kingdom
Lea Maria FergusonHelmholtz Open Science OfficeHelmholtz AssociationGermany
Lena TsipouriProfessor EmeritusNational and Kapodistrian University of AthensGreece
Louise BezuidenhoutSenior researcherLeiden UniversityThe Netherlands
Maja DolinarUser Engagement and EOSC LiaisonOpenAIRESlovenia
Maja HoićResearch librarianInstitute for Development and International RelationsCroatia
Maria PawlowskaIndependent expertVisnea IncCanada
Mariángela Petrizzo PáezResearcherUniversidad Nacional del TurismoVenezuela
Marita KariSenior SpecialistFederation of Finnish Learned SocietiesFinland
Marzia BrielLecturerUniversity of ReadingUnited Kingdom
Michelle DoranNational Open Research CoordinatorNational Open Research Forum, Royal Irish AcademyIreland
Milan OjsteršekHead of laboratoryUniversity of MariborSlovenia
Nora PappCoordinatorGRIOSFrance
Remedios MeleroResearcherSpanish National Research Council (CSIC)Spain
Roula Abdel-MassihISC Fellow
Co-chair, TWAS Young Affiliates Network (TYAN)
Cl. Professor, Community Educator
Central Michigan UniversityUnited States
Samira Nait AjjouLibrarian, Head of LibraryNational Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST)Morocco
Savitha SangameswaranResearch ScientistSage BionetworksUnited States
Tereza SimovaResearch Project Manager & OS/RDM Training SpecialistOpenAIRECzechia
Tony Ross-HellauerSenior ResearcherKnow Center Research GmbHAustria
Touria SlimaniLibrarian – Electronic resourcesNational Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST)Morocco
Valerie McCutcheonResearch Information ManagerUniversity of GlasgowUnited Kingdom
Vanessa ProudmanDirectorSPARC EuropeThe Netherlands
Virginia PowLibrarian Natural and Applied SciencesUniversity of AlbertaCanada
Volker BeckmannResponsible for the implementation of EOSC in FranceFrench Ministry of Higher Education and ResearchFrance
Wening Ila IdzatilangiField Project ManagerForestwiseIndonesia
Meeting presentation materials