WG4. Shared resources and infrastructure to analyze scholarly outputs

Accueil » Working groups » WG4. Shared resources and infrastructure to analyze scholarly outputs

The working group aims to develop a collective framework for extracting and sharing essential metadata from scientific publications, such as author affiliation, data use, software sharing, funding, etc. Its main objectives are to:

  • Foster the use of state-of-the-art open source tools for extracting information from full text;
  • Encourage the sharing of the extracted metadata within a framework consistent with full-text access licenses;
  • Meet the considerable computing and storage requirements via resource pooling mechanisms.

The ultimate goal is to create a shared global resource that aggregates this metadata for scientific research, encouraging collaboration to solve problems related to text access, detection methods and resource sharing.

Group members are invited to apply to become chairs before the 21th of March. Applications should be sent to the group facilitators: Laetitia Bracco (Université de Lorraine) and Anastasiia Iarkaeva (QUEST Center for Responsible Research, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charité)

Adam ButtrickProduct ManagerCalifornia Digital LibraryUnited States
Alexandre Hannud AbdoScience officerCortext Platform, UMR LISIS, CNRS – CindaLab, IBICTFrance and Brazil
Anastasiia IarkaevaResearch fellow, Data Science and Data Visualization, Metrics and IndicatorsQUEST Center for Responsible Research, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at CharitéCharité
André BrasilResearcherCWTS, Leiden UniversityThe Netherlands
Annerose TartlerData LibrarianAustrian National LibraryAustria
Bernarda KorezLibrarian-BibliographerUniversity of Maribor LibrarySlovenia
Catriona J. MacCallumDirector, Future of Scholarly ResearchWileyUnited Kingdom
Cristina HuidiuProduct Owner Digital Library ServicesWageningen University and ResearchThe Netherlands
Dario BassetOpen Science Policy SupportUniversity of MilanItaly
Eric JeangirardData scientistFrench Ministry of Higher Education and ResearchFrance
Eric ScharesEngineering & Collection Analysis LibrarianIowa State UniversityUnited States
Fiona BradleyChair IFLA Open Science & Scholarship Advisory Committee, Director Research & Infrastructure (Library) UNSWIFLA and UNSW SydneyAustralia
Fotis MystakopoulosProject Policy OfficerOPERAS Research InfrastructureGreece
Gordana VujovicJunior ResearcherComplexity Science Hub Vienna & TU ViennaAustria
Gustaf NelhansDirector, Data as Impact LabSwedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), University of BoråsSweden
Jennifer KempDirector of Consulting ServicesStratos (Strategies for Open Science)United States
Jerneja GrašičLibrarianUniversity of Maribor LibrarySlovenia
Joeri TijdinkAss. professor Ethics, Law and Humanities DepartmentAmsterdam University Medical CenterThe Netherlands
Jonathan StarrProgram Manager / Project Manager / PresidentNumFOCUS / DeSci Labs / The Scientific Coordination Infrastructure and Operating Systems CollaborativeUnited States
Julie DupuisHead of bibliometricsThe French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA, Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives)France
Laetitia BraccoHead of research data and bibliometrics support servicesUniversité de LorraineFrance
Larissa LeimingerProject Manager Open ScienceMax Planck Digital LibraryGermany
Laurent RomaryDirector of Culture and Scientific InformationInriaFrance
Leonidas PispiringasData Scientist, Scholarly Communication Technical ExpertOpenAIREGreece
Lilly Hoi Sze HoAssistant Director Collections and ContentLibrary & Archives NTAustralia
Ludo WaltmanProfessor of Quantitative Science Studies and scientific directorCWTSThe Netherlands
Mariángela Petrizzo PáezResearcherUniversidad Nacional del TurismoVenezuela
Marko DrobnjakOpen Science ExpertAcademic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES)Slovenia
Martin KleinGroup Lead – Research Information ManagementPacific Northwest National LaboratoryUnited States
Melissa HarrisonTeam LeadEMBL-EBIUnited Kingdom
Milan OjsteršekHead of laboratoryUniversity of MariborSlovenia
Paola GalimbertiOS AdvisorUniversity of MilanItaly
Patrick PeifferDigital CuratorNational Library LuxembourgLuxembourg
Petr KnothProfessor of Data Science, Head of COREThe Open UniversityUnited Kingdom
Pragya ChaubeCo-chairCODATA ConnectIndia
Régine De SousaLibrarianUniversité Paris NanterreFrance
Ricardo Hartley BelmarIndependent ResearcherChile
Seydou Sekou DiawaraMédecin, Juriste de santéONG KUNFAGAMali
Shelley StallVice President, Open Science LeadershipAmerican Geophysical UnionUnited States
Spencer McGrathHead of Journals PublishingHogrefe PublishingGermany
Stefano Bolelli GalleviResearch Data Quality OfficeUniversity of MilanItaly
Tapas Kumar MohantyInformatics and Data Science Liaison OfficerNIHR Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE), The University of Edinburgh (UK) and KEMHRC, Pune (India)India
Tim VinesCEODataSeerCanada
Vinodh IlangovanCoordinator for Curation of the Open Research Knowledge GraphTIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and TechnologyGermany
Viviana LetiziaPublisher Computer ScienceElsevierFrance
Meeting presentation materials