WG1. Scoping the needs of open science monitoring

Accueil » Working groups » WG1. Scoping the needs of open science monitoring

The objective of this working group is to better understand the needs of open science (OS) monitoring as the basis for the future work of the OS monitoring community. The working group will: 

  • Map the key stakeholders and beneficiaries to better understand who is impacted by OS and how, and who benefits from it at the international, national, and local levels.
  • Explore the scope of OS monitoring and define what should be monitored and why. 
  • Identify areas that require quantitative and/or qualitative methods to serve the needs of OS monitoring effectively.

The working group will collaborate closely with the working group on “Understanding the OS Monitoring Landscape”. By aligning the efforts of both groups, a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of OS monitoring can be achieved, facilitating more informed decision-making and planning for the future of OS monitoring.

Group members are invited to apply to become chairs before the 14th of March. Applications should be sent to the group facilitators: Ana Persic (UNESCO) and Vanessa Proudman (SPARC Europe)

Abdelghani MaddiResearch EngineerGEMASS (Sorbonne University and CNRS)France
Afroz Ahmad ShahSenior Assistant Professor of Structural Geology and Programme Leader, GeosciencesGeosciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti of Brunei DarussalamBrunei
Alexandre Hannud AbdoScience officerCortext Platform, UMR LISIS, CNRS – CindaLab, IBICTFrance and Brazil
Alice HowarthOpen Research Project OfficerUK Reproducibility Network and University of LiverpoolUnited Kingdom
Alina DanciuResponsable de l’équipe Documentation-Diffusion de donnéesSciences Po, Centre de données socio-politiques (CDSP), CNRSFrance
Allan OcholaGraduate StudentKenyatta UniversityKenya
Ana PersicProgramme Specialist for Science Technology and Innovation Policies and Open ScienceUNESCOFrance
Andrea GhidoniOS AdvisorUniversità degli Studi di PaviaItaly
Anna PelagottiProgramme ExpertEuropean Research Council Executive AgencyBelgium
Anne SennhennFAIRagro Coordinator Community Participation & Use Case OnboardingLeibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und BioökonomieGermany
Anupam PandeyWG MemberIEEEIndia
Banaz JalilPostdoctoral Research Fellow / Senior Project Officer (Research Culture) / Project Manager (Open and Responsible Researcher Reward and Recognition) / Institutional Coordinator (Open Research Programme)University College LondonUnited Kingdom
Batool AlmarzouqHonorary Research Fellow / Community leadThe University of Liverpool / The Alan Turing instituteUnited Kingdom
Behrooz RasuliAssistant ProfessorIranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc)Iran
Berta GrimauData scientistSIRIS AcademicSpain
Bregt SaenenSenior Policy OfficerScience EuropeEurope
Caroline MartinDirector of science and technology informationONERAFrance
Catriona J. MacCallumDirector, Future of Scholarly ResearchWileyUnited Kingdom
Cecile Swiatek CassafieresHead of LibraryUniversité Paris NanterreFrance
César Martín Agurto CastilloEstudios doctorales en Ciencia de la Educación concluidos en la Universidad Nacional de PiuraI.E. 15030 – Divino Corazón de JesúsPeru
Colin AdcockPublishing Manager, Open ScienceAmerican Physical SocietyUnited Kingdom
David MellorSenior Policy AnalystCenter for Open ScienceUnited States
Dolly WongProfessional MemberUN Interagency Task Team on Science Technology and Information (STI) for the SDGs (IATT)Indonesia
Dominique B. NgelekaChercheur Associé et coordinateur de recherche (CREPANERIT / Université de Kinshasa)Centre de recherche en Sciences humaines CRESHDemocratic Republic of Congo
Fiona BradleyChair IFLA Open Science & Scholarship Advisory Committee, Director Research & Infrastructure (Library) UNSWIFLA and UNSW SydneyAustralia
Gordana VujovicJunior ResearcherComplexity Science Hub Vienna & TU ViennaAustria
Gustaf NelhansDirector, Data as Impact LabSwedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), University of BoråsSweden
Helena KorjonenLibrarian specialist open scienceUniversity of LuxembourgLuxembourg
Iain HrynaszkiewiczDirector, Open Research SolutionsPLOSUnited Kingdom
Inge StegemanEpidemiologist, Associate Professor, Manager research division of surgical specialtiesUniversity Medical Center UtrechtThe Netherlands
Isabelle DorschResearch EngineerGEMASS (Sorbonne University and CNRS)France
Ismael RafolsSenior Researcher & UNESCO ChairINGENIO (CSIC-UPV), Univ. Politecnica de Valencia & UNESCO Chair, CWTS, Leiden UniversitySpain and the Netherlands
Jonathan StarrProgram Manager / Project Manager / PresidentNumFOCUS / DeSci Labs / The Scientific Coordination Infrastructure and Operating Systems CollaborativeUnited States
Julián D. CortésPrincipal professorSchool of Management and Business, Universidad del RosarioColombia
Kamran NaimHead of Open ScienceEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)Switzerland
Katie HughesOpen Science Information SpecialistEMBLUnited Kingdom
Kristýna ZychováOpen Science Coordinator and Data Management Strategy Specialist (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Library) and Project Manager and Analyst, Focus Areas – Open Science (Technology Centre Prague)Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and Technology Centre PragueCzechia
Lamis Yahia Mohamed ElkheirLecturer / Co-director and training leadUniversity of Khartoum, Sudan/ African Reproducibility Network (AREN)Sudan
Lebogang GopolangAssistant LibrarianBotswana University of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesBotswana
Leonidas PispiringasData Scientist, Scholarly Communication Technical ExpertOpenAIREGreece
Louise BezuidenhoutSenior researcherLeiden UniversityThe Netherlands
Maaike DuineOpen Science OfficerOpen-Access-Büro BerlinGermany
Madeleine GéroudetHead of libraries research support departmentUniversity of LilleFrance
Maria PawlowskaIndependent expertVisnea IncCanada
Marin DacosNational Open Science CoordinatorFrench Ministry of Higher Education and ResearchFrance
Marita KariSenior SpecialistFederation of Finnish Learned SocietiesFinland
Maxence LarrieuTransparency to sustain open science infrastructure project managerUniversité Grenoble AlpesFrance
Michael MarkieHead of Innovation InitiativeseLifeUnited Kingdom
Michelle DoranNational Open Research CoordinatorNational Open Research Forum, Royal Irish AcademyIreland
Milan OjsteršekHead of laboratoryUniversity of MariborSlovenia
Nabila SalisuCommunity Lead Global Partnership CoordinatorOpen Science Community NigeriaNigeria
Nicolas FressengeasFull Professor – Vice RectorUniversité de LorraineFrance
Paola GalimbertiOS AdvisorUniversity of MilanItaly
Paolo ManghiChief Technology Officer and Senior ResearcherOpenAIREItaly
Pragya ChaubeCo-chairCODATA ConnectIndia
Ricardo Hartley BelmarIndependent ResearcherChile
Sadiat Adetoro SalauResearch support librarianFederal University Of Technology, MinnaNigeria
Samira Nait AjjouLibrarian, Head of LibraryNational Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST)Morocco
Sara RouhiDirector, Open Science, Publishing InnovationAIPP (American Institute of Physics Publishing)United States
Shelley StallVice President, Open Science LeadershipAmerican Geophysical UnionUnited States
Su-Nee GohDeputy Director and Lead, Open Science and Research Services, LibraryNanyang Technological UniversitySingapore
Suné JoubertOpen Science Project CoordinatorSciLifeLab Data CentreSweden
Tapas Kumar MohantyInformatics and Data Science Liaison OfficerNIHR Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE), The University of Edinburgh (UK) and KEMHRC, Pune (India)India
Tony Ross-HellauerSenior ResearcherKnow Center Research GmbHAustria
Touria SlimaniLibrarian – Electronic resourcesNational Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST)Morocco
Valerie McCutcheonResearch Information ManagerUniversity of GlasgowUnited Kingdom
Vanessa ProudmanDirectorSPARC EuropeThe Netherlands
Verónica Alejandra Roa PetrasicCoordinadora Ciencia AbiertaCorporación CINCEL – ANIDChile
Wening Ila IdzatilangiField Project ManagerForestwiseIndonesia
Yannick BiardResearch Data, Algorithms, Source Codes, Software, and Open Science PolicyCIRADFrance
Zenia XenouEngagement & Training officerOpenAIREGreece
Meeting presentation materials